Shop: Juniors

Chess Endgames For Kids
German Grandmaster Karsten Muller is one of the foremost writers on the topic of chess endgames.  In this book, he highlights 50 essential endgame themes and presents them in a logical format, starting with the most elementary checkmate with one or two pieces, and moving on to sophisticated techniques and manoeuvres, making the lessons suitable for all level of players. Many chess games are... read more
Chess Nuts
Jackson is sporty and popular.  He's not the type to join the chess squad, and Anna doesn't want him there.  A lighthearted novel for children about the game of chess. Supplement your reading with Chess LessonsItems you may also like: Chess Boards
Chess Puzzles For Kids
"Chess Puzzles For Kids" contains 100 fun positions to solve, graded in order from gentle and encouragingly easy, to brain-bustingly hard.  Every puzzle is categorised into a theme, and is preceded by an instructive example, demonstrating an important pattern. This book quickly enables children to learn many new skills and concepts, and to apply them through practicing the many examples and... read more
Chess Tactics For Kids
The positions illustrated in this book are all from real chess games, and show the 50 Tricky Tactics that experienced chess masters use to win tournament games. Beginners will benefit from a clear explanation of basic chess tactical patterns, such as how to use a fork, pin or skewer.  Advanced players will enjoy playing through the many devious tactical combinations, some of which are classified... read more
Survival Guide for Chess Parents
Do you have a child who is interested in chess, but you're not sure how to help? In this book Tanya Jones concentrates on the numerous aspects of being a 'chess parent' and answers the many questions facing those with chess-playing children.  Topics covered include helping children in early stages of learning, choosing suitable tournaments and choosing the right chess coach.  This is a complete... read more
Thinking with Chess
"Thinking with Chess: Teaching Children Ages 5-14" is a handbook for teachers, librarians, after-school instructors, chess coaches, counselors, and parents that requires no prior knowledge of the game. Both novices and veteran chess players can use its innovative lesson plans for teaching groups of children.In this book, Dr. Alexey Root connects chess with skills important to academic success,... read more